Stealth mode will kill you

2 min readJan 6, 2021

Jan 5, 2021

Unless the CIA, NSA or some other acronym funds you, #stealthmode will kill you.

Who even came up with this idea of not advertising your good, product or service? This is clearly some witchcraft concocted by VCs to explain why they fund ideas with no customers, clients, sales, or revenue. Its because "We're in stealth mode."

😿Is your business so vulnerable to competition or cloning that should anyone find out about it your done?

🐃 Do you not have your IP, TM or patents in place to protect your revenue? Or do you just not have any revenues or hopes there of?

🐛 is your business just not ready?

Why are you even telling people you're in stealthmode? You're not in stealthily, your broke (not generating revenue) or you're simply not ready to onbaord customers and make money.

Stealth mode? 🤣🤣🤣

"Businesses" in stealth mode can't generate revenue, show traction or effectively engage investors. You're not in stealth mode. You're started a startup on life support.

#5MRegCF > #StealthMode

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About Samson Williams

Samson is an internationally recognized anthropologist and expert in Operations & Technology, Blockchain, Cannabis, cryptocurrencies, mobile payments, mortgage finance and organizational change management in FinTech.

Samson is ranked among the globe’s top innovative technology professionals for his cutting-edge research and applications in crowdfunding, tokenomics and digital securities. Samson is a professor at the University of New Hampshire School of Law , Columbia University and Principle consultant at Axes and Eggs. For business inquiries Samson can be reached at




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