Are VC and crowdfunding mutually exclusive?

2 min readDec 22, 2020

Q&A with Alex Wick, 12/22/2020

In today's Q&A we answer:

"Are VCs and crowdfunding mutually exclusive?"

So yes. My name is Samson. Depending on where you're from when you pronounce it it may come out as S-a-m-P-s-o-n. I have no idea how the "pee" sound sneaks in there. This is typically a Midwestern accent thing that Samson, gets a "pee" sound right smack dab in the middle. If you're a Spanish speaker my name is Sam-soon. As in Sam will arrive soon. Either way is fine because I know you came to me not to learn how to saw my name but show me the money, so I can tell you #WhereTheMoneyResides.

The $ resides in VCs. The value resides in customers. Because every successful Founder will tell you, "Not all πŸ’° is good πŸ’΅".

VC, thats the crack cocaine of capital. Startups find themselves addicted to trying to get it instead of generating revenue. Revenue is the best πŸ’°. Its so good, thats #VCs 1st question, "How much revenue you making?"

Who has revenue πŸ’°?

Customers. Because customers have more πŸ’° than VCs.

Join the Crowdfunding Professional Association to learn about #InvestmentCrowdfunding: How smart Founders raise smarter πŸ’° (from those who have the most of it).

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Thank you for reading my post. On LinkedIn and at the Crowdfunding Professionals Association I regularly write about technology, cannabis, crowdfunding, real estate, health and compliance investing trends. To read my future posts simply join my network here or click β€˜Follow’. Also feel free to join me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.

About Samson Williams

Samson is an internationally recognized anthropologist and expert in Operations & Technology, Blockchain, Cannabis, cryptocurrencies, mobile payments, mortgage finance and organizational change management in FinTech.

Samson is ranked among the globe’s top innovative technology professionals for his cutting-edge research and applications in crowdfunding, tokenomics and digital securities. Samson is a professor at the University of New Hampshire School of Law , Columbia University and Principle consultant at Axes and Eggs. For business inquiries Samson can be reached at




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